SHS Proseminar Speaker: David Pisoni, Ph.D.
On November 1st, David Pisoni, Ph.D., was featured as a Speech and Hearing Science Proseminar Speaker in Lincoln Hall on the campus of the University of Illinois. The title of his presentation was "Cognitive Audiology: An Emerging Landscape in Speech Perception and Spoken Word Recognition ".
According to Dr. Pisoni, "The most distinctive hallmark of human speech perception is its perceptual robustness to the presence of enormous acoustic variability in the transmission and reception of the linguistic message. Normal-hearing listeners adapt very rapidly and with little apparent effort to many different sources of variability in speech and they are able to compensate for degraded and compromised acoustic signals without significant loss of speech intelligibility. Sensory processing and early encoding of speech into stable phonological and lexical representations of words in memory are absolutely critical for robust speech perception and spoken word recognition. However, hearing and sensory processing of speech considered alone in isolation from the rest of the human information processing system are not sufficient to account for the robust nature of speech perception under highly degraded and adverse listening conditions. In this talk, I present a review and discussion of several new directions in speech perception and spoken word recognition that were motivated, in part, by developments in Cognitive Psychology and the newly emerging field of Cognitive Audiology. The clinical implications of Cognitive Audiology for understanding the enormous variability in speech and language outcomes observed in profoundly deaf adults and children with cochlear implants will also be discussed within this new theoretical framework."
The video of the lecture can be seen below.