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Faculty Profile

Marni Boppart

Marni Boppart


Director of Strategic Initiatives for Department of Health and Kinesiology 



Molecular Muscle Physiology

Curriculum Vitae:
Boppart, Marni.pdf

Preservation of skeletal muscle is essential for maintenance of health and physical function throughout the lifespan. Professor Boppart's research focuses on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for muscle repair and growth post-exercise. This information is then used to develop novel cell- and pharmacological-based interventions that can prevent or treat loss of muscle mass and function with age. We have a specific interest in understanding a role for the integrin and muscle resident stem cells in:

  • protection from exercise-induced muscle injury
  • beneficial adaptations to exercise (repair, growth)
  • distal tissue health
  • protection from age-related disability

Dr. Boppart holds a joint appointment at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology.