Experiential Learning
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs)
Registered Student Organizations are a wonderful way to get involved on campus, get to know other students, and participate in activities that are important to you. They can also provide you opportunities to build your personal and career skills.
AHS Student Organizations
- AHS Council
- Kinesiology Student Association
- Sports Business Association
- I-LEAP Student Advisory Board
- James Scholar Student Advisory Board
Pre-Health RSOs
- Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Society
- American Medical Student Association Pre-Med
- American Medical Women’s Association at UIUC
- Aspiring Women in Health
- Autism Speaks U at UIUC
- Bilingual Organization of SHS Students
- Delta Delta Sigma (Pre-dental fraternity)
- (eye)TEACH
- Future Healthcare Executives
- Health and Elder Law Society
- Illini Medical Screening Society
- Interdisciplinary Health Educators and Leaders
- Mentors in Medicine
- Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students
- National Student speech Language Hearing Association
- Nutrition in Health
- Operation Smile
- Positive Pre-Meds
- Pre-Dental Club
- Pre-Health Latino Undergraduate Society
- Pre-Occupational Therapy Association
- Pre-Optometry Club
- Pre-Podiatry Club
- Student Academy of Audiology
- Student Nurses’ Association
Undergraduate Research
Participating in research provides an opportunity to learn new skills, interact with graduate students and professors in a new setting, and help learn if research is an area you would like to pursue in the future.
If you would like to get involved with undergraduate research, feel free to explore some of the resources listed below. If you would like further guidance, contact AHS Career Services at careers@ahs.illinois.edu.
- AHS Undergraduate Research Expo
- Illinois Office of Undergraduate Research
- Health and Kinesiology research labs
- Recreation, Sport, and Tourism research labs
- Speech and Hearing Science research labs
- Center on Health, Aging, and Disability
- Office of Recreation and Park Resources
- Speech and Hearing Clinic
Giving back to the community in the form of service is a great way to have a fulfilling way to build your career skills. There are agencies and organizations that need volunteers to make sure they are able to help others.
Many Registered Student Organizations offer opportunities for students to volunteer. The Office of Civic Life on campus is a great first stop for volunteer opportunities.