Dean's Office: Who to Ask
Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell, Dean
- Chief Executive Officer of the college
- Responsible for college administration
- Executes educational policy
- Chairs Executive Committee
- Chairs Administrative Council
- Member of Council of Deans
- Appoints assistant and associate deans
Robbin King, Assistant to the Dean
- Coordinate administrative services for the college
- Administrative Assistant to the Dean
- Support Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
- Coordinate Dean’s Office events:
- Fall & Spring College Meetings
- Staff appreciation brunch
- Holiday events
- Prepare Final Offer Letters in coordination with HR Director
- Staff representative for Executive Committee and Administrative Council
- Coordinate and support the Educational Policy Committee & Awards Committee
- Responsible for final review and submission of:
- AHS Annual Report
- Promotion and Tenure Dossiers
- Tenure Rollbacks
- Sabbatical Requests
- Back-up support for CHAD
Sally Marshall, Office Manager
- Support for Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs
- Assist with support for Associate Dean for Faculty
- Back-up support for search committees
- Back-up support for room reservations
- Parking Reservations (Dean’s Office spots only)
- Dean’s Office Reception
- Maintain College Directory
- Support Elections and Credentials Committee
- Support Information Technology Department
- Support Director of Communications
- Support CHAD
Suzanne Rinehart, Associate Dean of Administration
- College Budget Officer with oversight of all financial affairs, budget and personnel policies
- College liaison with Chancellor and Provost Offices for budget and personnel policies
- Facility planning including the coordination of major remodeling and renovation projects
- Administrative oversight of the following AHS activities: Information Technology, Budget, Business, Human Resources, and Facility Management.
- Assist Dean on long range planning, allocation of college resources, policy and procedures, and business policies.
- Conflict of interest officer for the College
- Approval of AHS contracts and agreements
- Special projects for the Dean's Office
- AHS HIPPA liaison
Reggie Alston, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Monitor the strategic planning of the campus and university to ensure that student and program academic affairs in the college are closely aligned with institutional goals
- Serves as liaison with the Office of the Provost, Graduate College, and other campus offices related to undergraduate education
- Consult with the Heads on department and college academic policies
- Coordinate college educational policy
- College Ed Pol facilitation
- IBHE review processes
- Advisory to unit Ed Pol committees
- Liaison to Faculty Senate Ed Pol
- Council on Teacher Education
- Liaison to the Graduate College
- Provide leadership to AHS Graduate Council
- Serve as liaison to the following campus committees
- Campus International Advisory Council
- Entrepreneurship Roundtable
- INSPIRE and ad hoc international programming
- EDGE Enhancing Diversity and Guiding Excellence
- College primary point of contact for international programs
- Development of programs, advise on policies and best practices
- College committee to develop policies and best practices for international programs and oversee implementation of those policies and practices
- Oversee the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Student Affairs and undergraduate activities
- Coordinates orientation program for new graduate students
- Provides guidance to faculty advisors
- Collaborate with Advancement on strategies for increasing scholarship resources
- Promote inclusive and diverse undergraduate and graduate programs
Amy Woods, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
- Represents the Dean in matters affecting faculty affairs of the college
- Advise and support the Dean in college resource planning matters pertaining to salary and startup for faculty recruitments and retentions, and salary raise programs
- Support the Dean on strategic planning as it relates to formulating annual and long-term faculty hiring plans
- Oversees college policies/bylaws relating to faculty and specialized faculty
- Ensure compliance with university policies and procedures related to faculty recruitment and retention
- Works with college EEO and Diversity Committee in relation to diversity initiatives and recruitment and retention of diverse faculty
- Coordinates, oversees and provides mentorship on the following processes:
- 3rd year faculty reviews
- Promotion and promotion and tenure processes
- Sabbatical requests
- Modified teaching duties
- Tenure rollback requests
- Liaise with College Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Provide leadership, guidance and support for senior management and faculty members related to personnel matters
- Liaise with AHS Grievance Committee and campus offices to resolve faculty personnel issues
- Conducts exit interviews with faculty
- Coordinate and oversee the college level faculty orientation, welcome, promotion and other recognition programs
- Leads the college efforts in providing professional development for heads, directors, faculty and specialized faculty
- Chair of the Special Designations Faculty Committee
- Develop and coordinate the college’s nomination process for university-level awards and recognition