Faculty Profile

Yuhei Inoue, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae:
CV_Inoue_August 19 2024 online.pdf
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2-ejum8AAAAJ&hl=en
Dr. Yuhei Inoue is a Professor of Sport Management in the Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism. His research focuses on the management of sport organizations, events, and programs for positive social impacts, with a particular emphasis on health and well-being outcomes. Dr. Inoue’s work applies the social identity approach to investigate how perceptions of belonging (i.e., social identification) with sport entities can enhance the personal and social well-being of sport participants, spectators, fans, and local residents.
Dr. Inoue has published over 60 articles in leading academic journals in sport management and related disciplines, including Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, European Sport Management Quarterly, Journal of Leisure Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, WIREs Climate Change, and Social Science & Medicine. His research has been supported by various national and international organizations and agencies, such as the International Olympic Committee; Rugby Football League; Greater Manchester Moving; National Social Science Fund of China; Development Bank of Japan; and the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Dr. Inoue is a Research Fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management and holds Level 1 Associate Practitioner status with Social Value International. In 2023, he was invited by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to serve as an Expert Reviewer for the OECD’s Guides on Measuring the Impact of Culture, Sports, and Business Events. Additionally, he is a member of the UK government’s Grassroots Sport Facilities Evaluation Steering Group.
Dr. Inoue earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Temple University, an M.A. in Sport and Exercise Management from The Ohio State University, and a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Tsukuba. Before beginning his academic career, he worked for NFL Japan—a subsidiary of the National Football League—and engaged in the promotion of the league and American football in Japan.