Faculty Profile
Naiman Khan
Associate Professor
Associate Head for Research
Department of Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D. Nutritional Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Curriculum Vitae:
Khan CV.pdf
Dr. Naiman Khan received his B.S. in Nutritional Sciences from Louisiana State University in 2006. This was followed by M.S. (2009) and Ph.D. (2012) degrees in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Illinois. Following his Ph.D., he completed Postdoctoral Research training in Neurocognitive Kinesiology at the University of Illinois. He currently leads the Body Composition and Nutritional Neuroscience Laboratory. His research has taken a multidisciplinary approach to integrate knowledge in the areas of nutrition, kinesiology, and cognitive neuroscience to understand the influence of health behaviors on specific aspects of attention, memory and achievement. Dr. Khan has published more than 80 research manuscripts and has received funding support from multiple sources including government, private corporations, and non-profit food and commodity boards. The overarching objective of his research program is to generate foundational knowledge in translating the impact of health behaviors to childhood cognitive function.