Faculty Profile

David Strauser
Department of Health and Kinesiology
Illinois Institute for Rehabilitation and Employment Research
Curriculum Vitae:
Strauser, David.pdf
Research Statement
I have two major areas of research. First, I am interested in the interaction between physical and psychological functioning on the career development process and labor market participation of young adults. Second, I am interested in examining the impact of contextual factors such as poverty, employer perspectives, family, and the labor market on the overall employment and labor market participation of people with chronic health conditions.
David R. Strauser, Ph.D. received his Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1995. He received the National Council on Rehabilitation Education New Career Award (1997), James Garrett Distinguished Career Research Award (2011) from the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association, and Researcher of the Year Award (2011) from the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, and received multiple research awards from the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association and National Rehabilitation Association. In 2014 Dr. Strauser received the George N. Wright Varsity Award given to an outstanding Alumni of the Rehabilitation Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and in 2019 he received the King McCristal Distinguished Research Award from the College of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research focuses is on the career and vocational development of young adults, including young adults with cancer. Dr. Strauser is the Editor in Chief of Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education, Career Development, Employment, and Disability in Rehabilitation: From Theory to Practice and is co-editor of Assessment in Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling. He has authored over 130 journal articles and book chapters and is consistently recognized as an international leader regarding the career and vocational development of individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions.