Faculty Profile
Charis Tucker, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Curriculum Vitae:
C. Tucker_CV_2024[1].docx
Dr. Charis Tucker is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Recreation, Sport, and Tourism. Dr. Tucker’s research interest broadly covers race and tourism, focusing on the historical and contemporary experiences of Black travelers. Her work on race intersections areas including, marketing, entrepreneurship, and wellbeing. Using legitimacy theory, Dr. Tucker also investigates the development of social judgments of Black travelers within the aforementioned topics. By connecting the global diaspora of Black travelers, Dr. Tucker aims to highlight the many shared cultural experiences and challenges faced by this community. Her research aims to foster more inclusive marketing strategies, support diverse entrepreneurial ventures, and promote wellbeing within tourism. Her work not only enriches academic discourse but offers actionable insights for creating equitable and culturally sensitive tourism practices.