Adding Courses/Late Course or Section Change
Adding Courses
Students may add a course during the first 10 instructional days and may drop a course during the first eight weeks of instruction for a full semester course. Students may add a course that meets only during the first or second eight weeks of a semester during the first five instructional days and may drop such a course during the first four weeks of instruction.
Check your time ticket—available online through your UI-Integrate Self-Service account—for the exact day and hour that you may begin adding courses to your schedule. You can continue to add full-term courses through the second week (tenth day) of the fall and spring semesters. Part-term courses may be added through the first week (fifth day) of the class. Summer deadlines vary by session. (See the Office of the Registrar's academic deadlines for specific dates.)
If you add a course after the first day it meets, it’s wise to contact the instructor to introduce yourself, receive a copy of the syllabus, check on assignments, figure out which books you need, and determine whether there have been any changes in meeting time, location, or any other aspect of the course.
To add a course after the official deadline, you must receive permission from the instructor and the department offering the course. You can initiate this process by completing the Online Late Course Add/Section Change/Credit Change Form. If you have questions about adding courses after the deadline, requesting a section change, or changing the amount of credit hours in a variable credit hour course, please work with your academic advisor.