Huff Hall

Faculty Profile

alana harris

Alana Harris

Alana Harris completed her PhD at the University of Illinois in the Renal Research Group in Kinesiology and Community, with dissertation work in lifestyle behavior change, Physical Activity and Nutrition, in chronically ill populations. She has been teaching in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health since 2013. Dr. Harris is the Associate Director of Assessment and Student Wellness for Campus Recreation where she provides leadership to: Fitness Programs, Adventure Recreation, the Campus Bike Center, the Instructional Kitchen, and the Campus’ student food pantry. Alana specializes in applied exercise prescription, exercise prescription for persons managing disease, and in high performance strength and conditioning. She teaches courses to prepare students to pursue national certification (ACSM, NSCA) and/ or to work in applied exercise settings. Alana is responsible for the development and reporting of assessment efforts for Campus Recreation facilities, services, and programs and works actively with researchers on campus to conduct projects in these spaces.