A student working with a physical therapy client


Tackle chronic disease. Champion fitness. Study the science of human movement and prepare for a career that improves lives.

Undergraduate Advising

Welcome to the Kinesiology Advising homepage

We are happy to have the opportunity to work with you regarding your academic and career plans. If your last name begins with A-K, Kaila Tyner will be your Academic Advisor. If your last name begins with L-Z, Amy O’Neill will be your Academic Advisor.  Our role is to assist you with registration and class selection, provide you with information about campus resources, discuss career interests and help prepare you for life beyond the University of Illinois.
Our office is located in 155 Freer Hall.  We can be reached via email at aroneill@illinois.edu (Amy) and ktyner@illinois.edu (Kaila) or via phone at 217-333-2461. Kinesiology students receive news about exciting opportunities and important deadlines through a weekly e-newsletter, Kinesiology Advising Announcements. Pre-registration appointments are mandatory for all Kinesiology students, but you may schedule meetings with advisors throughout the year via email.


Kinesiology Advising Office Hours

If you would like to schedule a meeting, please email your advisor with your available days and times.

Intercollegiate Transfer (ICT)

For information on the ICT process into Kinesiology or Community Health, including the link to the application, please visit this page.

Preparing for Graduate School: Centralized Application Services