Community Health and Interdisciplinary Health Internships

KCH Internship

Internships/Experiential Learning

One of the strategic goals of the University of Illinois is to encourage students to complete an internship, capstone, or other learning experience. Each unit in the Department of Health and Kinesiology encourages—and, in many cases, requires—students to gain exposure to experiential learning through a field placement, either at the undergraduate or graduate level.

Every year, hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health gain professional experience through external placements. Bachelor’s degree programs in community health, interdisciplinary health sciences, speech and hearing sciences, and recreation, sport, and tourism include internships among their graduation requirements. Graduate students in public health, health administration, and health technology must complete external placements and capstone projects with professional partners.

Each of these requirements is designed to give students real-world, hands-on experience that helps them transition from school to the workforce. Internships also allow students to apply the knowledge they’ve gained from their studies, and to bring fresh perspectives to the organizations with which they work.

Intern Interview Videos

Kennedy Campbell, Interdisciplinary Health Senior

Daniela Hernandez, Community Health Senior/Business minor

Haihley Connors, Interdisciplinary Health Senior

Internship Classes

3 classes needed before an internship




3 classes needed before an internship


Community Health Internship Course

CHLH 485

Provides students with a supervised field experience in official, voluntary, and professional health agencies, and is designed to allow students to gain work experience in actual field situations. Students will work in University-approved health agencies and/or on course assignments that will prepare students for their future careers as health professionals. These experiences will be tailored for each student. The completion of the internship is a requirement for graduation for all Community Health students. 8 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Approved for S/U grading only. Prerequisite: Senior standing in Community Health. Restricted to Community Health major(s). Restricted to students with Senior class standing.

Interdisciplinary Health Internship Course

IHLT 475

Designed to emphasize field/research experiences that facilitate working with individuals from a variety of health disciplines. Field experience/research placements will be selected to best prepare students to address issues of health within their concentration areas. In-class sessions will focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, professionalism, and important global health issues. Serves as the capstone course for i-Health majors. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Restricted to senior i-Health majors.

Professionalism Series

Too Casual Friday

Intern Interview Breakdown

How to Receive Feedback

On-Campus Internship Opportunities

Beth Frasca photo

  • Campus Wellbeing Services
    The U of I Wellness Center endeavors to empower the Illinois community to incorporate healthful practices into their lives and to help create a culture of wellness that supports healthy living, personal growth, and enhanced quality of life
    Projects: Mapping wellness resources on campus and in the Champaign-Urbana area, expanding walking programs for students and faculty, and creating wellness newsletters.
  • WRC (Women's Resources Center)
  • DRES (Disability Resources and Education Services)
    Variety of internship experiences available: Career services, physical therapy/athletic training/occupational therapy, testing office
    Outreach is an important component of the internship experience
  • CCIL (Cancer Center Illinois)
  • CDL (Child Development Laboratory)
    Work with CDL Director and Associate Director in identifying health and nutrition issues related to program services provided for enrolled children
    Projects: Develop in-service training materials for CDL staff members, assist teachers in developing health and nutrition educational materials for use in classrooms, develop parent workshops on health and nutrition issues during the early childhood years
  • CHEZ (Chez Veteran's Center)
  • CHAD (Center on Health, Aging, and Disability)
    Conducting original research on issues faced by older adults
    Projects: Development and implementation of outreach programming and education materials, Assistance with public outreach events for older adults, Attending and minute-taking at monthly meetings of Age-Friendly Champaign-Urbana and Champaign County Senior Task Force
    Preferred Skills and Qualifications: Passion for working with older adults, Strong writing and verbal communication skills, Interest in and experience with research, Junior or Senior standing with a 3.0 GPA preferred
  • Campus Rec 
  • Beckwith Residential Service
    Internships vary-includes outreach, wellness programs, and helping students with disabilities navigate campus/completing activities of daily living.
  • La Casa Cultural Latina

Contact Us

Coordinator of Internship Programs
Department of Health and Kinesiology
Freer Hall
906 S Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61802