Faculty Profile

Wendy Starwalt
Wendy Starwalt received her bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She then worked teaching middle school Life Science and Health. After ten years in the classroom, she began teaching Physical Education at the elementary level. Starwalt is the former director of physical education and health for Champaign Unit #4 schools and lead the district in revising their K-12 Physical Education and Health programs and curriculum. During this time Wendy presented at both state and national conventions and events sharing innovative and progressive ways to deliver health and physical education in schools. Wendy was also invited to sit in multiple round table discussions with SHAPE America which sets the standards for physical education and health.
Her work in schools focused on the health and wellness of the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually. Wellness initiatives were not done in isolation but part of the overall mission of the school. Wendy’s program received recognition as teacher of the year in Illinois from Fuel Up to Play 60 and the National Dairy Council. Her work had enough of an impact that she was asked to consult with elementary schools in Washington D.C. to create and sustain similar programs.
Wendy received her master’s degree in Organization and Leadership from the University of Illinois. She then began her leadership journey as an elementary school Principal. Wendy used her programming success and expertise to build a culture around student, family and staff wellness. Through experience leading schools, she has developed the ability to implement all the components of health and wellness in her organizations.