Grade Replacement
Deadlines, policies, and how to request a grade replacement for a course
If a grade of C-minus or lower was earned in a course, students may elect to repeat the course for grade replacement. If a 'D-' or higher is earned on the second attempt, only the second grade earned will factor into the student's GPA. If an 'F' is earned on the second attempt, both grades factor into the GPA. In either case, all attempts remain part of the permanent transcript. Students may only repeat for grade replacement up to a total of 4 distinct courses, not to exceed a maximum of 10 semester hours. The repeated course must be taken at Illinois. The deadline to elect Grade Replacement is by the midpoint of a term. AHS students must meet with their advisor to elect Grade Replacement. There may be instances where a student may choose to repeat a course and not replace the grade. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with their academic advisor to discuss their options.
Click this link to fill out the Grade Replacement Petition Form.